Thursday, March 29, 2007

American Idol Pictures


American Idol is very very retarted so i dont care about it one bit but here is so stupid pictures for u to see.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007



Today i will talk about hunting it is very fun you can kill things then gut them then chop them up to meat and then cook them then it gets really good. Thats what hunting is basicly but you have to get prepared you have to have a gun or bow. You need supplies like food and water and most important bullets or arrows and thats is every thing. Until you get the animal, it can be a big one or small just have fun!!!!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


To day i will talk about bigfoot a very stange site if u have ever seen him. I shur have His name is Jonny Clash but i am joking he is not he just has giant FEET! Big foot is a big giant mith. That is all for today.

Monday, March 26, 2007


Well i have had a good day my teacher wants me to talk about (UFO'S) and ufo's stands for (Unidentified Flying Object) and i think they are just things that people see and wana believe. I dont really care about them onestly i dont care.

Thursday, March 22, 2007


Today i had corn dogs for lunch and we also have our dance tonight i have no one to go with and i brought 4 leters of Dr.Pepper and 4 leters of Pepsi those are my two pops.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Today we had my favorite meal in lunch it was taco's yum yum yum! The track practice started but i dont wana join but next year i just might because if i quite then they'll call me a quiter so ill wate till i get in 7th grade.

Monday, March 19, 2007


today i had a good day i had chicken fried steak and it was good and i had fun in class!

Shaggy's journal

Today i have had a pretty good day I had a Chicken fried steak today for lunch it was good and we had a good basket ball season we came in 3rd so we are really good than last season. Thats all ive don today.